
Ciro, le tropical Bernie Sanders

Le point central de l'affaire est que le récit mené par l'ancien président Lula est perçu comme proche de l'establishment. Le récit du candidat Ciro Gomes est plus radical et orienté vers un changement global dans la sphère politique et économique. Aujourd'hui, Ciro ressemble beaucoup à Sen Berni Sanders, c'est-à-dire qu'il est un politicien réformiste reconnu. Lula apparaît sur des positions plus conservatrices et c'est pour cette raison qu'il est le candidat qui aura le plus de possibilités de tisser des alliances en vue de la présidentielle de 2022. A notre avis, Ciro Gomes ne mettra son poids politique qu'après le premier tour. Et à ce moment-là, il pourra négocier un accord avec Lula dans le sens de la mise en œuvre des nombreuses réformes que le Brésil attend depuis l'époque du président Goulart.


A "Frente Ampla" et la réalité de la gauche brésilienne

La réalité politique brésilienne souffre d'un problème psychiatrique de forte schizophrénie, par exemple:
1) Il y a des diplômés, avec de bons revenus, qui sont incapables de soutenir un discours civilisé et rationnel sur le virage à l'extrême droite du gouvernement Bolsonaro
2) de même qu'il existe des intellectuels progressistes qui rougissent au visage, avec le risque d'explosion de l'artère sur leur cou, s'ils les  indiquent la possibilité d'un accord électoral entre Ciro et Lula.
Telle est la réalité à laquelle un discours social-démocrate du centre-gauche pourrait bénéficier, qui peut combiner des politiques de croissance économique efficaces NON basées uniquement sur le marché intérieur avec la protection des droits sociaux fondamentaux.
La défense des intérêts nationaux (Embraer, Petrobras, Eletrobras, Pre-Sal, Amazonia, etc.) constitue un élément de forte attraction pour la classe moyenne, déçue par Bolsonaro et fortement menacée par la crise économique.


Haddad Presidente e o Apoio Critico do PDT

Respeito à Democracia comporta
respeito para os Partidos
Apoio ao Haddad tem como reflexo:

1️⃣colocar o PDT no campo da oposição, 2️⃣confirmar sua História Trabalhista em defesa dos Trabalhadores e da Liberdade. Neste momento o PDT está se confirmando un Partido anti Fascista, contra qualquer tipo de Autoritarismo. A largada de uma jornada de Construção de uma Frente  Democratica que tem Ciro Gomes Lider🇧🇷


The Decline and Fall of Brazil’s Political Establishment Whether or Not Bolsonaro Wins the Presidency, a Transformation Is Underway By Eduardo Mello,October 1, 2018

This October, Brazilians will go to the polls to elect a new president, and the country could become the next democracy to fall in the populist wave that has been sweeping the globe. Jair Bolsonaro, a far-right nationalist member of Congress known for making racist and chauvinistic comments, is currently leading in many polls and may very well win a second-round runoff.
At first glance, it may seem strange that a country once hailed as one of the most inclusive democracies in the developing world could elect a president who has openly attacked the rights of gay people, women, and Afro-Brazilians and who has been an apologist for military dictatorship and torture. Yet Bolsonaro’s rise makes sense when one considers the backdrop of Brazil’s culture of political corruption. After watching politicians of nearly every mainstream party be caught in corruption scandals, Brazilian voters are willing to rebel against a dysfunctional system. Unlike the traditional elites, Bolsonaro built an innovative campaign based on heavy use of social media and grassroots work to promote himself as an outsider to this system.
Whether or not Bolsonaro ends up winning, the fact remains that a broader transformation in Brazilian politics is under way. The country’s traditional centrist establishment that has ruled since the transition from military dictatorship in the 1980s is in decline. For now, Brazil appears to be headed for another lost decade, but with the right reforms the country could build a more transparent political system that would deliver effective governance for its citizens.
For decades, the generation of leaders that oversaw the transition from military dictatorship dominated Brazilian politics. But the establishment of democracy was not about sweeping aside the corrupt institutional landscape that had been created by the dictatorship. Rather, it was an exercise in reconciling popular demand for political openness while upholding the benefits of vested interest groups that had flourished under military rule. Although the 1988 constitution provided for universal suffrage for the first time in Brazil’s history, it also gave politicians a way to game the system. Permissive regulations allowed incumbents to use the powers of office to raise money in corruption schemes and use the funds in lavish political campaigns and vote-buying. For decades, lax corruption regulation and permissive campaign finance rules allowed them to do so with impunity, making deals with private companies to award lucrative government contracts in exchange for campaign resources.
To work properly, this system required close collaboration between the legislative and the executive branches. Presidents in Brazil control the government machine that makes corrupt deals possible, and for decades have used them to manipulate Congress by strategically distributing opportunities for corruption to gain political support. The result is that government policies have been designed not to provide effective public services but to facilitate rent-seeking and corruption opportunities for politicians and well-connected groups.
This arrangement had been stable for decades, but cracks began to appear with the Operation Car Wash investigation, in which prosecutors uncovered a vast criminal network dedicated to laundering the proceeds of corrupt deals between politicians and construction companies. Politicians used their power and influence to nominate cronies to high-level positions in state-owned companies. They in turn would later work to award lucrative contracts to private groups who paid large fees under the table for the privilege. Disgusted by the revelations, voters now seek to elect a president who has no ties to this way of doing politics and who can make a credible commitment to fight against it.
Virtually every presidential candidate paid lip service to tackling corruption, but Bolsonaro was the first to understand that he could use his reputation as an outsider to his advantage. When protesters took to the streets to demand the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff, Bolsonaro joined the crowds. When Congress voted on impeachment, Bolsonaro made a speech arguing that the military dictatorship that existed in Brazil from 1964 to 1985 had been free of corruption. After Rousseff left office, he refused to support the new government and spent his time traveling the country and offering seemingly easy solutions to problems of crime and drugs, while claiming publicly to be the only politician in Congress who had not participated in corrupt deals.
With the revelations from Operation Car Wash, the cost of alliances between presidential hopefuls and traditional political forces is going up.
Meanwhile, other presidential candidates returned to the traditional campaign strategies known to have worked before. Some, such as Brazilian Social Democarcy Party candidate Geraldo Alckmin, built alliances with regional party leaders, seeking the financial resources that they could offer. Others, such as Sustainability Party candidate Marina Silva, attempted to shift the debate away from how to fix Brazil’s broken political system by pointing to Bolsonaro’s radicalism. Yet such tactics only made him more popular. By taking advantage of social media, he succeeded in using attacks to further legitimize himself as the antiestablishment candidate fighting against a corrupt elite.
With the revelations from Operation Car Wash, the cost of alliances between presidential hopefuls and traditional political forces is going up. Presidents will no longer be able to use their control over government to buy the support of the political class. As a result, politics in Brazil will become more conflictual and polarized.
There is no easy way out of Brazil’s current predicament. The road ahead will necessarily involve reforms to bring about a new way of doing politics. Brazilians must work to reform Congress and make it more accountable. Unlike presidents, legislators are still insulated by a flawed open-list proportional voting system, which impedes the rise of programmatic parties. Current voting rules make campaigning for Congress expensive, force candidates to compete with colleagues of the same party, and exacerbate fragmentation—there are currently 25 parties represented in Brazil’s legislature.
To improve accountability, Brazilians should change the electoral system by making at least half of the seats in the legislature elected by majoritarian vote and by drastically reducing the size of the districts used for proportional representation. This would strengthen parties, reduce fragmentation, reduce the financial costs of campaigning, and improve voters’ ability to monitor their representatives.
Bolsonaro has seized the opportunity created by Operation Car Wash masterfully. Yet it is unlikely that he will be able to deliver on the reforms that Brazil’s political system so desperately needs. He is weaving a web of promises and hope that will end in further frustration and disenchantment with the political system. If a reform-driven agenda does emerge, it will most likely result from pressure from civil society and anti-corruption activists. Without meaningful reform of the political system, Brazil appears to be headed for another lost decade, much like the one that existed in the 1980s after Latin America’s debt crisis.
But this crisis also represents an opportunity for reformers to promote a positive agenda, based on strengthening democratic institutions and promoting accountability. Brazilians are ready to move on from the perverse political practices of the past. With the right reforms, Brazil’s democracy could take a different path, delivering much-needed public goods and a route back to economic growth. Real change will come from outside the political establishment. Advocates for reform should seize the moment.


Élections Présidentielles 2018

Les élections présidentielles au Brésil 2018 ils vont montrer une contrapposition entre la droite extrême et le système politique brésilienne . Monsieur  Bolsonaro il ira donner la chance à le Système de se défendre, donc d'écrire les conditions pour une contre révolution.
Mais il n'y aura pas une cohésion de la gauche car la défense du PT de la Candidature du Président Lula ne donne pas la possibilité d'un président au-dehors du Parti du Travail .
C'est probable un second tour entre Alckmin et Bolsonaro.
C'est donc dans le 2eme tour qui il y aura des chances pour rassembler un Front de Gauche


Sauver l'âme, a gauche

La Constitution de 1988 est le résultat d'un compromis entre les forces progressistes et conservatrices , dans une époque où la priorité était de créer un système démocratique et pluraliste.
Le prix de ce compromis est la renonciation continue à faire face à "des solutions de gauche" pour les mêmes problèmes qui affligent la population brésilienne depuis du 1988 .

 Le chantage constant des forces conservatrices, combiné avec la nécessité de trouver un large soutien,à l'agenda du gouvernement, ils ont produit une forte separation entre le Partie et la Base

Enfin un «miracle laïque" , le Parti, sous la forme de trois députés, cette fois, il a dit non.
Pas de chantage (Cunha et une grande partie du PMDB)
Pas à la paralysie de l'ensemble du Brésil sur la question impeachment.

Le plus grand parti de la gauche du continent sud-américain, a commencé un chemin de Refondation à gauche


"Festina Lente VIII : Große Koalition"

Dilma travers la déclaration du ministre de la Justice il a exprimé la nécessité d'un large dialogue avec tous,  l'opposition compris.

Mais si c'est vraiment fort et sentit la nécessité d'une politique de réforme et éventuellement une réforme constitutionnelle,  l'opposition demandera (ou a déjà négocié) un Grand Coalition.

Et avec ça:
- Diminution de la pression «politique» sur le PT,  limitation de la responsabilité sur les responsables individuels;
- Diminution de la pression sur Presidenta Dilma, qui pouvaient ainsi poursuivre les réformes nécessaires au Brésil
- Formation d'un regroupement de gauche en visant les élections présidentielles 2018

La modification des lois régissant le marché du travail (par exemple MP's 664 et 665), il aura une réaction contraire : l' impulse à la formation d'un regroupement de gauche au dehors du PT et le début de la marche vers une bipolarisation avec la définition d'un regroupement de centre-droit